Is your home office becoming too small for your business? Time to look for an office space

When is the right time to move your business out of the spare room?

Being a business owner and running your own business from home can be great. You have freedom to work when you want, how you want and wearing what you want! But there comes a time when running a business from your home starts to become more difficult. When the decision of whether to move into a proper office space starts to become a very genuine concern.

The question is, when is the right time to move? How do you know when to make the jump from home office to professional office space?

Every individual circumstance is different. Each business has different needs and requirements which make the decision very personal. However, there are a few indicators that can help you to decide if now might be the time is right for you.

Home working can drag you down

As your business grows in in size and prosperity, it will naturally begin to outgrow the space available in your home. It might be that you need to employ staff, or hold regular client meetings, or take deliveries and hold stock.

With many businesses there is a desire to present a more professional image as the client base grows. In this circumstance, pitching to larger commercial clients in the living room or in the local coffee shop, just won’t cut it.

Perhaps you’re going stir-crazy, getting lonely and need to leave the house more often. Working from home does, after time, begin to hamper creativity and productivity. And there can often be too many distractions around the house. Or maybe, your business is beginning to take over the whole house and you’re struggling to switch off and feeling that you’re never out of work?

If any of these apply to you and your business, then perhaps it’s about time you started to look for a suitable professional office space.

Finding the right office space

Once you have made the decision, it’s important to ensure that you move into the right office space for your business. Everything from the agreement available, the flexibility of the space, the extras that are included and the atmosphere of the communal areas is important.

It’s also important to consider the location of the offices that you’re thinking of moving into. Are they close enough to your home, and to travel routes to make it suitable. Does it come with added extras such as, meeting and boardrooms you can use, and communal areas for breakout and informal networking?

These are all things to consider when looking at which is the right office for your SME to grow from.

Ourworx, state-of-the-art serviced offices

Whatever type of business you run, if you’re considering a move from your home office to a purpose built office space, then Ourworx could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Our office suites are the perfect business centres to help you deliver growth and move on to the next stage of your business.

At Ourworx, we believe that the best environment to nurture small businesses is a dynamic supportive space, where small business owners can work with a community of like-minded individuals and companies. Because working in a communal office can offer a small business so much.

So, whatever your business does, give us a call and find out how we can help you take the step from your bedroom to the perfect office for your small business.

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